Archived County Council Agenda
Note: County Council meets every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month.

Richland County Council
Regular Session
October 2, 2001

6:00 p.m.

Call to Order


Pledge of Allegiance

Adoption of Agenda

Presentation of Resolutions

a. Keenan High School for Significant Increase in SAT Scores - Councilwoman Tillis

b. Sack Edge for retirement - Council Chair Smith


a. Mr. Arthur Collier, Executive Director
Cooperative Ministries

Citizen's Input

Report Of County Attorney For Executive Session Matters

Approval Of Minutes

September 18, 2001: Regular Session [Pages 2-7]

September 18, 2001: Special Called Meeting [Pages 8-9]

Report of County Administrator

Open/Close Public Hearings
2.d., 2.e., 2.f.

Approval of Consent Items:
2.b., 2.c., 2.d., 2.e., 2.f., 3.b., 3.c., 3.d., 3.f., 4.a., 4.b., 4.c.

1. Third Reading Item

a. FY 2001-02 Millage Rates

2. Second Reading Items

a. 02-013MA
Stewart Mungo
From RU to PUD-1
02600-04-32, 35(P) and 49
Broad River Road [Page 10]

b. 02-014MA
Greg Lehman
P.W. Tracts
From RU to PDD
Dutch Fork Road [Consent][Page 11]

c. 02-016MA
Donald Melton
J.P. Rogers
From RU to RS-1
11214 Broad River Road [Consent][Page 12]

d. Ordinance: Fee Agreement for SYSCO Public Hearing [Consent] [Pages 13-15]

e. Ordinance: Multi-County Industrial Park
Expansion for SYSCO [Pages 16-17]
Public Hearing [Consent]

f. Ordinance: Multi-County Industrial Park
Expansion for Verizon [Pages 18-19]
Public Hearing [Consent]

3. Report Of Development And Services Committee [Page 20]

a. Ordinance Amendment: Sec. 21-9. Road Closing
[Pages 21-22]

b. Quitclaim Deed: 632 Kentucky Street [Consent]
[Page 23]

c. Quitclaim Deed: Peyton Street [Consent]
[Page 24]

d. Abandonment of Maintenance: Old Lorick Road

e. Feasibility Study: Longtown Connector

f. Ordinance Amendment: Landfills & Composting Facilities [Consent] [Pages 25-33]

4. Report of Administration and Finance Services Committee [Page 34]

a. Detention Center: Food Service Management

b. Sheriff's Department [Consent]

c. Legal: Ordinance Amendment; Discharge of Firearms [Consent] [Pages 35-36]

d. Carolina Carillon Holiday Parade

e. Executive Session Item: Land Purchase for Fire Station

5. Request By Councilmembers Brill, Pearce & Smith

a. Increase in Garbage Fees [Page 37]

6. Report of Rules and Appointments Committee [Page 38]

a. Midlands Workforce Development Board
[Pages 39-40]

7. Personnel Matter: From Motion Period of September 18, 2001 (Councilwoman Scott)

8. Personnel Matter: Evaluation of Clerk of Council

9. Personnel Matter: Evaluation of County Administrator

10. Motion Period/Announcements

11. Citizen's Input

12. Adjournment