County Administrator’s Report of Council Actions
Regular Session Meeting
January 16, 2001
6:00 p.m.



Call to Order – Kit Smith

Invocation – Jim Tuten

Adoption of Agenda – Adopted with the addition of reconsideration of January 2, 2001 minutes pertaining to the election of Vice-Chair.

Citizen’s Input – One citizen spoke.

Approval of Minutes

— Regular Session, December 19, 2000 – Adopted as submitted.

— Regular Session, January 2, 2001 – Moved to item 5.

Report of County Attorney for Executive Session Items - No items for executive session.

Report Of County Administrator

  1. Council Retreat – Reported that his staff is working to polish the goal statements created by Council and will bring them to Council for approval in the near future.
  2. County participation in Giving Tree for William S. Hall Psychiatric Institute – Mr. Starnes of the William S. Hall Institute thanked County employees for participating in the Giving Tree, providing Christmas gifts for patients at the Institute.
  3. Final Report on Genesis Cable – Milton Pope informed Council that a third party technical review of the Genesis cable system found the system to be satisfactory, and therefore, staff recommends approval of a transfer of control from Genesis to Adelphia. Council will be presented with a Resolution to that effect.

Tuten: Point of Personal Privilege – Recognized a student from his district who is here observing the Council Meeting.

Opening/Closing of Public Hearings – A public hearing was held for the following item:

— Detention Center: Privatization of Medical Services

Approval of Consent Items

a. Circuit Court: Alternative Method for Selecting Grand Jurors – Second reading approval given to an ordinance amendment that authorizes the use of the "Alternative Method of Selecting and Impaneling Grand Juries" under section 14-7-1960 of the State Code of Laws which limits the term of service of any individual Grand Juror to a twelve month period. Info: Clerk Of Court

1. Third Reading Items

  1. Detention Center: Privatization of Medical Services – Third reading approval to a budget amendment to add $308,689.00 from undesignated, unreserved funds to the Detention Center’s medical budget to cover the unbudgeted amount of a contract with Prison Health Services. Action: Detention Center/Procurement
  2. Budget Amendment: Township Renovations (deferred from 1/2/01 Council Meeting) – Third reading approval to a budget amendment for Township renovations in the amount of $1,030,000 to include roof replacement, authorized a bond refund for certain specified debt and include in refund the Township renovations in order to reimburse fund balance, and directed staff to negotiate with the City the terms of cost-sharing for the Township. Action: Administration/Finance

2. Approval of Resolution

a. Approval of a Resolution to Appoint and Commission Tonie Carlotta Pringle as a Code Enforcement Officer for the proper security, general welfare, and convenience of Richland County – Approved. Action: Clerk Of Council/Planning

3. Report of Administration and Finance Committee (Deferred from 1/2/01 Council Meeting)

  1. Central Carolina Economic Development Alliance: Old/New Agreements – Deferred to next Council Meeting. Info: Legal/Administration

4. Report of Rules and Appointments Committee

  1. Appointments to the Lexington/Richland Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council – Appointed Ms. Kimberly A. Kennedy and Mr. Benjamin Spry. Action: Clerk Of Council

5. Reconsideration of January 2, 2001 Council Minutes – Approved reconsideration of the election of Vice-Chair contained in the minutes, voted unanimously to elect Greg Pearce as Vice-Chair, and approved minutes as amended.

6. Citizen’s Input – One citizen spoke.

7. Motion Period/Announcements

  1. Smith – Announced that she provided Council Members information about an economic development conference in Washington, D.C., and encourages Council Members to attend.
  2. Smith – Gave notice that she will introduce an ordinance dealing with support of the arts for Council’s consideration.

8. Adjournment