Administrator’s Report of Council Actions
Session Meeting
3, 2001
Call to Order
– Kit Smith
– Jim Tuten
Adoption of
Agenda – Adopted with the addition of a Presentation by Martha Bogle of
the National Park Service under the County Administrator’s Report, and moving
the second reading of the Stormwater Ordinance to the end of the agenda in order
to accommodate an executive session on the matter.
Point of Personal
Privilege: Pearce – Council Member Greg Pearce recognized Bob Russell, Bruce
Rippeteau and C.V. Smith and thanked them for coming out to support the Lease
Agreement for the Curtiss Wright Hangar that is on the consent agenda tonight.
Presentation of
- Emergency
Services Department – County Administrator Cary McSwain presented a Resolution
commending EMS employees.
- Miss Austin
Newman, S.C. Volunteer of the Year – Council Member Greg Pearce presented
a Resolution to Miss Newman for her outstanding volunteer work.
Citizen’s Input
– Several citizens spoke.
Approval of Minutes
Session, March 20, 2001 – Adopted as submitted.
Report of County
Attorney For Executive Session Items – Item 2a requires an executive session
in order to receive a legal briefing.
Report of County
- Congaree
National Monument – Ms. Martha Bogle, Park Director, announced that the
Visitor’s Center and Access Road Project won the Park Service’s National Partnership
Award, and thanked
the County for
their partnership in the project. An awards ceremony will be held in Washington,
DC, and the County is invited to attend.
- DHEC Public
Hearing – The County Administrator announced that a DHEC public hearing
concerning Lucent Technologies is scheduled for tonight at 7:00 pm.
- Budget Forums
– The County Administrator announced that the County is holding public
forums on the County budget, with the first scheduled for April 5 in Hopkins.
- Richland
101 – The County Administrator announced that Richland 101 starts April
19th. The County has received good publicity from the media in advertising
the classes.
Open/Close Public
Hearing Item – A public hearing was held for the ordinance amendment increasing
County code violations.
Approval of Consent
- 01-23MA
Wendy Luce, First Commercial Company, from D-1 to C-3, South Side Rabon Road
East of Farrow Road – Third reading given to this rezoning request.
Action: Planning/Legal
- Schmalbach
Lubeca – Third reading approval given to an ordinance consenting to revisions
to the lease agreement between Richland County and Schmalbach Lubeca and the
lease agreement between Richland County and Wilmington Trust Company to provide
for a sale-leaseback arrangement between Schmalbach Lubeca and its affiliates.
Action: Administration/Legal
- 01-37MA,
Dibble Manning, from M-2 to M-1, 475 Killian Road – Third reading given
to this rezoning request. Action: Planning/Legal
- Billboard
Moratorium – Third reading given to an ordinance amendment extending the
billboard moratorium to July 31, 2001. Action: Planning/Legal
- Littering
Penalty Ordinance – Second reading given to this ordinance amendment that
corrects an inconsistency between the littering fine found in the Stormwater
Management Ordinance and the Garbage, Trash and Refuse Ordinance. Info:
Legal/Special Services
- 01-15MA,
Thomas McGee, from RU to C-2, 4114 Hard Scrabble Road – Second reading
given to this rezoning request. Info: Planning/Legal
- 01-44MA,
Roy W. Derrick, from D-1 to C-3, 3516 Broad River Road - Second reading
given to this rezoning request. Info: Planning/Legal
- 01-45MA,
Stan Mack and Thomas Burkett, from D-1 to C-3, Buckner Road - Second reading
given to this rezoning request. Info: Planning/Legal
- 01-46MA,
Chip Carter, from RG-2 to C-3, Percival Road - Second reading given to
this rezoning request. Info: Planning/Legal
- Change Order:
Wiley Easton Construction – Approved a $97,377 increase in this construction
contract to relocate sewer lines at the intersection of US 176 and I-26.
Action: Utilities/Procurement
- Easement
for SC E&G Pressure Release Station – First reading approval of an
ordinance authorizing the County to grant this easement for the installation
of a gas regulation station on the Public Works Compound in Ballentine.
Info: Public Works/Legal
- Quitclaim
Deeds for Woodcreek Development and The Ridge – First reading approval
given to an ordinance authorizing execution of quit-claim deeds for a road
right-of-way located on the east side of Spears Creek Road in return for payment
of $3,145.00. Info: Public Works/Legal
- Appearance
Commission: Voting Members – First reading approval of this ordinance
amendment that provides two additional voting members to the Appearance Commission.
Info: Administration/Legal
- Election
Commission: Voting Machine Preventative Maintenance – Approved the expenditure
of up to $45,000 to perform maintenance and upgrades to the County electronic
voting machines. Action: Election Commission/Procurement
- Finance:
Spending Resolution for the Township and Detention Center – Approved a
Resolution authorizing the expenditure of general fund monies in an amount
not to exceed $13,030,000 to move forward with renovation of the Township
and expansion of the Detention Center. These funds will be reimbursed by the
proceeds of general obligation bonds or other identified revenue sources.
Action: Finance/Administration
- Detention
Center: Pilot Project for House Arrest – First reading approval given
to an ordinance authorizing the Detention Center to offer electronic monitoring,
or house arrest, for inmates, with participating defendants bearing all associated
costs. Info: Detention Center
- Sheriff’s
Department Vehicles – Approved the purchase of six replacement vehicles
for $129,289. Action: Sheriff/Procurement
- Airport Commission:
Lease Agreement for Curtiss Wright Hangar – First reading approval given
to an ordinance authorizing a lease agreement with for $1.00 a year for 20
years in order to raise private funds for renovation of the Hangar. Info:
- Resolution:
Dreher High School 3A State Basketball Championship – Approved. Action:
Clerk Of Council
- Resolution:
Keenan High School 3A State Basketball Championship – Approved. Action:
Clerk of Council
1. Third Reading
- Ordinance
Amendment: Increase in County Code Violation Penalty – Third reading approval
given to an ordinance amendment that increases the maximum penalty for code
violations from $200.00 to $500.00. Action: Planning/Legal
- Business
Directory Signs – Deferred. Info: Planning/Legal
2. Second Reading
- Conservation
Commission Ordinance – Second reading given to this ordinance that moves
provisions of the Richland County Code that establishes the Conservation Commission
from the Stormwater Management Chapter to Chapter 2, Administration, Article
VII, Boards, Commissions and Committees. Info: Administration/Legal
- Sexually
Oriented Businesses – Second reading given to this zoning ordinance amendment
that deletes the section "injunction" from the Sexually Oriented
Businesses Article due to item 1a making it unnecessary to state fines in
this section. Info: Zoning/Legal
- Landscape
Ordinance – Second reading approval given to this ordinance amendment
that increases the maximum fine amount for violations. Info: Zoning/Legal
3. Report of
Administration and Services Committee
- Treasurer’s
Office: Military Forest Funds – Approved the distribution of $44,596.92
in the following manner: 30% to the County and 70% to the three school districts,
to be divided in proportion to student population. Also directed the County
Administrator to bring back a recommendation for spending the County’s portion.
Action: Administration/Treasurer
4. Executive
- Legal Briefing:
Stormwater Ordinance – Received legal briefing as information and gave
second reading approval to the County Attorney’s recommended revisions to
Council’s amendment made during first reading. The amendment was revised as
(g) All
levees protecting residential structures or non-residential structures
which are not floodproofed shall be designed, constructed and maintained
to provide protection against the 500-Year flood plus three (3) feet of
freeboard. Flood elevations shall be as shown on the latest Flood Insurance
Rate Maps or as determined by appropriate hydrologic methods. Any levee
constructed or improved under this subsection shall also comply with the
other provisions of this Chapter, including, but not limited to, subsection
(h) below.
(h) Not
withstanding any other provisions of this ordinance
including those relating to exceptions and variances Chapter,
no levees, dikes, fill materials, structures or obstructions that will
impede the free flow of water during times of flood will be permitted
in the regulatory floodway, unless:
- such proposed
impediment is or would be a part of or used by
an integral
feature of any public or private school that was constructed and
operated before January 1, 2001 on property subsequently classified as a
regulatory floodway special flood hazard area, or
- such proposed
impediment is or would be a part of or used by
an integral
feature of a publicly owned wastewater treatment facility that
was constructed and operated before January 1, 2001 on property subsequently
classified as a regulatory floodway special flood
hazard area; or
(3) such
proposed impediment is a minor recreational or playground facility
or area, such as, but not limited to, a boat ramp, floating dock,
picnic area, soccer goal, or swing set; or
such impediment was approved by the County Engineer under this
subsection (h), or under any predecessor provision, before January 1,
Legal/Public Works/Administration
provided, however, that any specified activities permitted under
subsections (1) or (2) above must comply with all applicable
federal, state, and local requirements, including, but not limited
to, 44 C.F.R. 60.3(d)(3), as amended and shall require certification
by a
engineer demonstrating that the encroachment will not result in any increase
in flood levels during the base flood discharge. Nothing in
this subsection (h) shall limit provisions in this Chapter or elsewhere
authorizing or requiring the maintenance and repair of levees, dikes,
dams, and similar structures; provided, however, that this sentence shall
not be construed as authorizing or requiring the repair or maintenance
of any such structure to the extent that such repair or maintenance would
result in a structure that would be higher or wider than it was before
the need arose for such repair or maintenance.
5. Motion
- Scott –
Moved to adopt a Resolution commending Richard Seymore, a graduate of
Lower Richland High School and University of Georgia, for signing with the
NFL. Action: Legal/Clerk Of Council
- Smith
– Stated that new guidelines for the accommodations tax distribution are ready
to be used by the Accommodations Tax Advisory Committee this fiscal year.
Action: Legal/Clerk Of Council
- Livingston
– Announced that the Council Rules are completed and will be on the next
Council Agenda for approval. Action: Legal/Clerk Of Council
6. Citizen’s
Input – No one spoke.
7. Adjournment