County Administrator’s Report of Council Actions

Regular Session Meeting

April 17, 2001

6:00 p.m.


Call to Order – Kit Smith

Invocation – Jim Tuten

Adoption of Agenda – Adopted with the addition of a Resolution Commending Keenan High School Basketball Team, and Right of Entry Agreement for Lot in Industrial Park.

Presentation of Resolutions

  1. Walter B. Todd, Midlands Technical College Commission – Council Member Greg Pearce presented this Resolution to Mr. Todd.
  2. Keenan High School Basketball Team – Council Members Joe McEachern and Thelma Tillis presented Resolutions to each member of the team for winning the 3A Basketball championship.

Point of Personal Privilege – Council Member Joe McEachern recognized his wife in the audience.

Citizen’s Input – Several citizens spoke.

Approval of Minutes

— Zoning Public Hearing, March 27, 2001 – Adopted as submitted.

— Regular Session, April 3, 2001 – Adopted as submitted.

Report of County Attorney for Executive Session Items – Items 1 and 2 under the Report of the Economic Development Committee may require an executive session if Council needs further information.

Report of County Administrator

  1. FEMA Training – The County Administrator commended Council Members and staff in attendance at the Disaster Preparedness Training held in Virginia last week.
  2. Reception for Boards and Committees – The County Administrator reminded Council of a reception held on Wednesday, April 18th at 5:15 pm honoring those who serve on Richland County boards and commissions.
  3. Budget Calendar – The County Administrator asked Council to consider recommended revisions to the budget calendar. The Council Chair suggested that this issue be discussed during the weekly management meeting.
  4. Sewer Spill Update – The County Administrator informed Council that the sewer spill reported to Council last week has been contained and cleaned.

Open/Close Public Hearing Item – Public hearings were held for the Stormwater Management Ordinance, Conservation Commission Ordinance, and Littering Penalty Ordinance.

Approval of Consent Items

  1. Littering Penalty Ordinance – Third reading given to this ordinance amendment that corrects an inconsistency between the littering fine found in the Stormwater Management Ordinance and the Garbage, Trash and Refuse Ordinance. Action: Legal/Special Services
  2. 01-15MA, Thomas McGee, from RU to C-2, 4114 Hard Scrabble Road – Third reading given to this rezoning request. Action: Planning/Legal
  3. 01-44MA, Roy W. Derrick, from D-1 to C-3, 3516 Broad River Road - Third reading given to this rezoning request. Action: Planning/Legal
  4. 01-45MA, Stan Mack and Thomas Burkett, from D-1 to C-3, Buckner Road - Third reading given to this rezoning request. Action: Planning/Legal
  5. 01-46MA, Chip Carter, from RG-2 to C-3, Percival Road - Third reading given to this rezoning request. Action: Planning/Legal
  6. Sexually Oriented Businesses – Third reading given to this zoning ordinance amendment that deletes the section "injunction" from the Sexually Oriented Businesses Article due to fines being stated in another ordinance. Action: Zoning/Legal
  7. Landscape Ordinance – Third reading approval given to this ordinance amendment that increases the maximum fine amount for violations. Action: Zoning/Legal
  8. Easement for SC E&G Pressure Release Station – Second reading approval of an ordinance authorizing the County to grant this easement for the installation of a gas regulation station on the Public Works Compound in Ballentine. Info: Public Works/Legal
  9. Quitclaim Deeds for Woodcreek Development and The Ridge – Second reading approval given to an ordinance authorizing execution of quit-claim deeds for a road right-of-way located on the east side of Spears Creek Road in return for payment of $3,145.00. Info: Public Works/Legal
  10. Appearance Commission: Voting Members – Second reading approval of this ordinance amendment that provides two additional voting members to the Appearance Commission. Info: Administration/Legal
  11. Detention Center: Pilot Project for House Arrest – Second reading approval given to an ordinance authorizing the Detention Center to offer electronic monitoring, or house arrest, for inmates, with participating defendants bearing all associated costs. Info: Detention Center
  12. Airport Commission: Lease Agreement for Curtiss Wright Hangar – Second reading approval given to an ordinance authorizing a lease agreement with the Curtiss-Wright Hangar Association, a division of the Celebrate Freedom Foundation, for $1.00 a year for 20 years in order to raise private funds for renovation of the Hangar. Info: Administration/Legal

 1. Third Reading Items

  1. Business Directory Signs – Third reading approval given to an ordinance amending the Zoning Code’s sign regulations to provide for business and/or industrial directory signs, as amended to include a limitation on the total square footage of a sign allowable for a single business listed on business directory signs. Action: Planning/Legal
  2. Stormwater Management Ordinance – Third reading approval given. Action: Public Works/Legal
  3. Conservation Commission Ordinance – Deferred until work session can be held to discuss the roles and responsibilities of the Commission. Info: Administration/Clerk Of Council

2. Report 0f Economic Development Committee

  1. Consideration of Incentives for an Unannounced Company Expansion – Received as information the Committee’s report that further information and negotiation is needed before this matter can be decided. Info: Administration
  2. Consideration of Incentives for an Unannounced Company – Denied incentives requested. Info: Administration
  3. Approval of Deeds to Water Line Relocation and SC E&G Right-Of-Way for Blue Cross/Blue Shield – First reading approval of an ordinance authorizing a deed to the City of Columbia for water line relocation and first reading approval given to an ordinance authorizing a right-of-way to SCE&G for gas lines. Info: Administration/Legal
  4. Identification of Preliminary Issues Pertaining to Columbia Venture’s Economic Proposal – Accepted the Committee’s list of issues and questions as a starting point for evaluating Columbia Venture’s economic proposal. Info: Administration/Finance
  5. Approval of an Ordinance Confirming Council’s Policy on Multi-County Business Park Fee Distribution – First reading approval of an ordinance confirming the County’s distribution of fees derived from a Multi-County Business Park in the following manner:
      1. to first reimburse itself for any County funds expended to provide an incentive to an economic development project locating in the Park;
      2. to share such portion of the Park revenues with Fairfield County as required by the agreement establishing a particular phase of the Park;
      3. to distribute the remaining Park revenues among the tax entities within the County that would otherwise be entitled to a share of the Park revenues if such revenues were regular ad valorum taxes instead of a fee;
      4. and to make such distribution in the same proportion as ad valorum taxes would be distributed.

Info: Administration/Finance/Auditor/Treasurer

    1. Right-of-Entry Agreement for Lots in Industrial Park - Approved the execution of an agreement between the County and Crown Castle South, a telecommunications company, that allows Crown Castle South entry onto lots 19 and 33 of the Richland Northeast Industrial Park for the purpose of assessing the feasibility of leasing or purchasing these lots to locate a communications tower on the property. Action: Administration/Legal

3.  Report of Rules and Appointments Committee

  1. Notification of Vacancies on the Building Board of Adjustment and Appeal – Received as information.
  2. Notification of Vacancies on the Central Midlands Regional Transit Authority – Received as information.
  3. Amendments to County Council Rules – Approved Rules as amended. Action: Legal/Clerk of Council

4. Approval of Resolutions

  1. Richard Vershawn Seymour – Approved. Action: Clerk Of Council
  2. Appointment and Commissioning of Code Enforcement Officer Harry L. Reed – Approved. Action: Clerk of Council

5. Motion Period/Announcements

  1. Tillis – Moved to forward to Council without Committee consideration the adoption of a Resolution commending Ms. Marie Fryson for her recognition as Foster Parent of the Year. Action: Legal/Clerk of Council
  2. Scott and Smith – Council Member Bernice Scott announced that she received a letter from Columbia Venture requesting a Special Called D&S Committee meeting on April 26 at 6:00 p.m. to present their proposal, and was scheduling this meeting as requested. Due to schedule conflicts among Council Members and the Chair’s decision that Columbia Venture’s proposal should be presented to the full Council, Columbia Venture’s presentation was scheduled for 5:30 on May 1st as part of the Council Meeting. The Chair announced that a task force made up of Kit Smith, Greg Pearce, Bernice Scott, Joe McEachern and Paul Livingston would lead the negotiation process with Columbia Venture. Info: Clerk Of Council/Administration
  3. Tuten – Requested that the Sheriff’s Department make presentation before Council on gang activity.
  4. Brill – Announced that Council Member Jim Tuten’s birthday is April 19th and wished him a happy birthday. It was also noted that Council Member Joe McEachern’s birthday is this month as well.
  5. McEachern - Moved to approve the adoption of a Proclamation recognizing April 18th as Volunteer Appreciation Day. Action: Legal/Clerk Of Council
  6. Meetze - Moved to forward to Council without Committee consideration the adoption of a Resolution commending County staff who participated in the Disaster Preparedness training held last week. Action: Legal/Clerk Of Council
  7. Livingston - Moved to forward to Council without Committee consideration the adoption of a Resolution commending Ms. Tracy Cooper for her award as Teacher of the Year. Action: Legal/Clerk Of Council
  8. Livingston – Announced that a Ridgewood community meeting will be held on April 26th from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at the Ridgewood Baptist Church.
  9. Tillis – Congratulated Jocelyn Jennings on her recent marriage.

6. Citizen’s Input – No one spoke.

7. Adjournment