County Administrator’s Report of Council Actions

Regular Session Meeting

May 1, 2001

6:00 p.m.


Call to Order – Kit Smith

Invocation – Jim Tuten

Report of County Attorney for Executive Session Items – Item a under the County Administrator’s Report may require an executive session if Council needs further information.

Adoption of Agenda – Adopted with the addition of a Report of Economic Development Committee.

Point of Personal Privilege – Council Member Susan Brill recognized Spencer Miller, an Eagle Scout in training, who was in the audience.

Presentation of Resolutions – None presented.

Citizen’s Input – Several citizens spoke.

Report Of County Administrator

  1. Planning Department Co-Location – The County Administrator reported that the County has identified a potential site for co-locating the City and County Planning Departments, and has identified other options besides this site for City/County consideration. Council moved to call the City/County Planning Committee together for a meeting to recommend an option within the next thirty days. Action: Administration
  2. July Meeting Schedule – The County Administrator asked Council to decide upon a meeting schedule for July. Council adopted the following schedule:

July 3 – Council Meeting cancelled

July 10 – Council Meeting held

July 23 – Committee Meetings, Special Called Council Meeting, and Zoning Public Hearing held

July 31 – Special Called Meeting held, if necessary

ACTION: Clerk of Council

Open/Close Public Hearing Items – Public hearings were held for the ordinances pertaining to SCE&G Pressure Release Station; Quit-Claim Deed for Woodcreek Development and the Ridge; Appearance Commission: Voting Members; Detention Center: Pilot Project for House Arrest; and Airport Commission: Lease Agreement for Curtiss-Wright Hangar.

Approval Of Consent Items

  1. Easement for SC E&G Pressure Release Station – Third reading approval of an ordinance authorizing the County to grant this easement for the installation of a gas regulation station on the Public Works Compound in Ballentine. Action: Public Works/Legal
  2. Quitclaim Deeds for Woodcreek Development and The Ridge – Third reading approval given to an ordinance authorizing execution of quit-claim deeds for a road right-of-way located on the east side of Spears Creek Road in return for payment of $3,145.00. Action: Public Works/Legal
  3. Appearance Commission: Voting Members – Third reading approval of this ordinance amendment that provides two additional voting members to the Appearance Commission. Action: Administration/Legal
  4. Detention Center: Pilot Project for House Arrest – Third reading approval given to an ordinance authorizing the Detention Center to offer electronic monitoring, or house arrest, for inmates, with participating defendants bearing all associated costs. Action: Detention Center
  5. Airport Commission: Lease Agreement for Curtiss Wright Hangar – Third reading approval given to an ordinance authorizing a lease agreement with the Curtiss-Wright Hangar Association, a division of the Celebrate Freedom Foundation, for $1.00 a year for 20 years in order to raise private funds for renovation of the Hangar. Action: Administration/Legal
  6. Approval of an Ordinance Confirming Council’s Policy on Multi-County Business Park Fee Distribution – Second reading approval of an ordinance confirming the County’s distribution of fees derived from a Multi-County Business Park in the following manner:
  7. 1) to first reimburse itself for any County funds expended to provide an incentive to an economic development project locating in the Park;

    2) to share such portion of the Park revenues with Fairfield County as required by the agreement establishing a particular phase of the Park;

    3) to distribute the remaining Park revenues among the tax entities within the County that would otherwise be entitled to a share of the Park revenues if such revenues were regular ad valorum taxes instead of a fee;

    4) and to make such distribution in the same proportion as ad valorum taxes would be distributed.

    Info: Administration/Legal

  8. 01-47MA, H.B. Mann, Landtech LLC, from PUD-2 to Amended PUD-2, Hardscrabble Road – Second reading approval given to this rezoning request. Info: Planning/Legal
  9. SCE&G Easement for Blue Cross/Blue Shield Facility - Second reading approval given to an ordinance authorizing a right-of-way to SCE&G for gas lines. Info: Administration/Legal
  10. Water Line Relocation for Blue Cross/Blue Shield – Second reading approval of an ordinance authorizing a deed to the City of Columbia for water line relocation. Info: Administration/Legal
  11. Award of Contracts: Riverside Forest & Broad River Heights Sewer Design – Authorized the Procurement Department to negotiate a contract with the selected firms to design these sewer systems
  12. provided that the fees are within 15% of the estimated project costs of $685,000.00 for Broad River Heights and $1,415,000.00 for Riverside Forest. Action: Procurement/Utilities

  13. Award of Contract: County Resurfacing – Approved the award of 2000 resurfacing contract to Lanier Construction Company in the amount of $1,122,117.60. Action: Public Works/Procurement
  14. Resolution: Fair Housing/Community Development Block Grant Funds – Approved this Resolution stating the County’s efforts to further fair housing as required by the Community Development Block Grant Program. Action: Administration
  15. Authorization to Award Township Bid – Approved an award of contract to the lowest qualified bidder to refurbish the Township Auditorium’s seats, in an amount not to exceed $600,000. Also directed staff to notify Council before the contract is awarded. Action: Procurement/Administration/Township
  16. Soil and Water Conservation District: Soil & Water Stewardship Week Proclamation – Approved this proclamation designating April 29-May 5, 2001 as Soil & Water Stewardship Week. Action: Clerk of Council
  17. Appointment of Code Enforcement Officers: Ralph B. Pearson; Clark M. "Rocky" Archer; Gene R. Swygert; James Hill – Approved. Action: Clerk Of Council

1. Third Reading Items

  1. Conservation Commission Ordinance – Third reading approval with the following amendments:

7c. Add: Any purchase, lease, acceptance, acquisition, protection, development, or maintenance of land, as referenced in subsection b 1-8 above, shall only be received from a willing property owner who voluntarily consents to such participation.

7d. Add: Provided however, property owners may notify the Commission, in writing, that they do not want the Commission to consider their property for preservation and/or protection. The Commission shall maintain a file of such written notifications, and those properties shall not be considered for inclusion on the list of significant resources that is submitted to the County Council.

Action: Administration/Legal

2. Second Reading Items

  1. 01-21TA, Floodways – Second reading given to this zoning text amendment as amended to substitute "regulatory floodways" in lieu of "special flood hazard area." Info: Planning/Legal

3. Report of Development and Services Committee

  1. Billboard Ordinance – Deferred to the next Council Meeting. Info: Clerk Of Council

4. Report of Special called Administration and Finance Committee (April 30, 2001)

  1. Police Officer’s Retirement – Adopted with the deletion of item 1 and change of deadline to December 31st; and instructed staff to send a certified letter explaining this benefit option to County employees and to bring back to Council a cost estimate for this benefit. Action: Human Resources/Administration
  2. Bond for Detention Center Expansion and Other Projects – First reading approval given to this bond ordinance, and directed staff to schedule a work session with Council prior to second reading to discuss the project list. Action: Clerk Of Council

5. Report of Rules and Appointments Committee – No report at this time.

6. Report Of Economic Development Committee

  1. Appropriation for SYSCO Water and Sewer Connections – First reading approval given to a budget amendment appropriating $120,000 from the Economic Development Designated Funds within the County General Fund to pay for the water and sewer construction to the SYSCO site on Garner’s Ferry Road. Info: Finance/Administration
7. Citizen’s Input – No one spoke.

8. Motion Period/Announcements

  1. Pearce – Moved to refer to A&F Committee the consideration of immediate issuance of revenue bonds for a new Columbia Owens Downtown Airport Terminal Building and 43 additional hangars. Action: Administration
  2. Mizzell – Moved to refer to A&F Committee consideration of pursuing placement of the Local Option Sales Tax for referendum this year. Action: Administration

9. Adjournment