Special Called Meeting
June 26, 2001
5:00 p.m.
Call to Order – Kit Smith
Invocation – Jim Tuten
Adoption Of Agenda – Adopted as submitted.
1. Third Reading Item
Action: Finance/Administration/Auditor
2. Executive Session Item
a. Contractual Matter: Garbage Contract - Authorized the County Administrator to terminate any or all of the County's contracts with Cloud's Sanitation for service areas 1, 4 and 5 at any time within the next thirty days if service does not significantly improve. The Council also directed the Administrator to continue to assess the management and operation of the company during this period. In addition, the Council authorized the Administrator to approve any sub-contracts that Mr. Cloud may enter into for service areas 1, 4 and 5 after a review of the sub-contracts and a determination that the sub-contracts will help to improve service in those areas.
3. Adjournment