County Administrator’s Report of Council Actions

Special Called Meeting

July 23, 2001

6:00 p.m.


Call to Order – Kit Smith

Invocation – Jim Tuten

Adoption of Agenda – Adopted as Published.

Approval of Minutes

Regular Session: July 17, 2001 – Motion failed, the minutes were not approved.

Report of County Administrator

  1. Introduction of newly transferred Public Information Officer – Stephanie Snowden introduced Edith Caudle as the County’s newest Public Information Officer.
  2. Point of Personal Privelidge (Livingston) – Council Member Livingston informed Council that he had received on behalf of County Council a certificate of appreciation from the Columbia Urban League.
  3. SYSCO Sewer Line Condemnation – Council authorized the County Administrator to proceed with the necessary condemnation of property for the SYSCO Sewer Line. Action: Legal/ Administration/ Utilities
  4. Pinebrook Subdivision Update – The County Administrator informed Council that DHEC had rescinded the moratorium on digging in the Pinebrook Subdivision because no hazardous materials were found.

1. Report Of Development And Services Committee

  1. Ordinance Amendment: Extension of Interim Zoning & Land Development – First reading approval given to an ordinance amendment extending the interim zoning and land development ordinance for an additional two years. Action: Legal/Planning
  2. Award of Contract: Entrance Road for SYSCO – approval given to the award of contract in the amount of $262,273 to Lanier Construction for the construction of an entrance road for SYSCO. Action: Procurement/Public Works
  3. Letter of Support: Cedarwood Apartments Rehabilitation – approval given to a letter of support to Regency Development for the rehabilitation of Cedarwood Apartments. Action: Administration

2. Report of Administration and Finance Committee

  1. Library Promissory Note – Approval given to the issuance of a promissory note to Richland County Public Library in the amount of $1,200,000. Action: Treasurer/Finance
  2. Ordinance Amendment: Contractor Exemption – First reading approval given to an amendment to the business licensing ordinance deleting the exemption for contractors. Action: Legal/Planning/ Administration
  3. Benedict College Bonds – First reading approval given to the issuance of bonds in the amount of $32,000,000 by Benedict College. Action: Administration

3. Second Reading Item

  1. Local Option Sales Tax Ordinance – the item was deferred until the July 30, 2001 Council meeting.

Citizen’s Input – One person spoke.

Motion Period/Announcements

Livingston – Council Member Livingston informed Council that he intended to make a motion to rescind the vote on the billboard moratorium and requested an opinion from Legal as to whether the item needed to go to the Planning Commission prior to being considered by County Council.
