County Council
Regular Session
January 2, 2001
6:00 p.m.
Call to Order
Election of Chair [Page 1]
Election of Vice-Chair [Page 1]
Selection of Seats [Page 1]
Adoption of Agenda
Report of County Attorney for Executive Session Items
a. McClanahan vs. Richland County
Report of County Administrator
Opening/Closing of Public Hearings
Approval of Consent Items
1. Third Reading Items
a. Legal: Paid time off for employees to vote in General election [CONSENT ITEM] [Page 2]
b. CASA: Full-time grant position for staff attorney [CONSENT ITEM] [PUBLIC HEARING] [Page 3]
c. Participation in Southeast high speed rail study
[CONSENT ITEM] [PUBLIC HEARING] [Pages 4-5]d. Budget Amendment: Township renovations
[CONSENT ITEM] [PUBLIC HEARING] [Pages 6-7]e. Ordinance authorizing an expenditure for the USC
[Pages 8-9]
2. Second Reading Items
a. Detention Center: Privatization of Medical Services
[CONSENT ITEM] [Pages 10-11]b. Resolution vacating Richland County's property interest in Robertson Creek Road [CONSENT ITEM] [Page 12]
3. Report of Administration and Finance Committee (deferred from 12/19/00 council meeting)
a. Central Carolina Economic Development Alliance: Old/New agreements
4. Report of
Rules and Appointment Committee
(deferred from 12/19/00 council meeting) [Page 13]
a. Appointments to the Planning Commission-1 [Pages 14-19]
5. Citizen's Input
6. Motion Period/Announcements
7. Adjournment