County Council
Regular Session
January 16, 2001
6:00 p.m.
Call to Order
Adoption of Agenda
Citizen's Input
Approval of Minutes
Regular Session: December 19, 2000 [Pages 2-8]
Regular Session: January 2, 2001 [Pages 9-13]
Report of County Attorney for Executive Session Items
Report of County Administrator
Opening/Closing of Public Hearing Item
Approval of Consent Items
1. Third Reading Items
a. Detention Center: Privatization of Medical Services [CONSENT ITEM] [PUBLIC HEARING] [Pages 14-15]
b. Budget Amendment: Township renovations (deferred from 01/02/01 Council meeting) [Pages 16-17]
2. Second Reading
a. Circuit Court: Alternative method for selecting Grand Jurors [CONSENT ITEM] [Pages 18-19]
3. Approval of Resolution
a. Approval of a Resolution to appoint and commission Tonie Carlotta Pringle as a Code Enforcement Officer for the proper security, general welfare, and convenience of Richland County. [Page 20]
4. Report of Administration and Finance Committee (deferred from 01/02/01 Council meeting)
a. Central Carolina Economic Development Alliance:
Old/New agreements [Pages 21-23]
5. Report of Rules and Appointments Committee [Page 24]
a. Appointments to the Lexington/Richland Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council-2 [Pages 26-33]
6. Citizen's Input
7. Motion Period/Announcements
8. Adjournment