County Council
Regular Session
February 20,
6:00 p.m.
Call to Order
Adoption of Agenda
Citizen's Input
Approval of Minutes
Regular Session: February 6, 2001 [Pages 2-9]
Report of County Attorney for Executive Session Matters
Report Of County Administrator
a. Employee Greivance
Open/Close Public Hearing Item
Approval of Consent Items
1. Third Reading Items
a. 01-26MA
Alan B. Kahn
Clemson University
From C-1 to RG-2 and C-3
23000-02-02(P) [Page 10]b. 01-14MA
Sheila Barnette for Jasper Nelums
From D-1 to C-3
716 Kennerly Road [CONSENT ITEM] [Page 11]c. 01-24MA
Joe Clark for
Doris Barnwell and Theresa Boney
From RU to PDD
20300-04-14 and 15
Lee Road [CONSENT ITEM] [Page 12]d. 01-32MA
Allen Watson
From RU to M-1
10645 Wilson Blvd. [CONSENT ITEM] [Page 13]e. 01-35MA
Harold Pickrel for
South Carolina Future Farmers
From C-3 to M-1
Alpine Road [CONSENT ITEM] [Page 14]f. 01-36MA
John T. Bakhaus for
Harvey G. Moore
From D-1 to M-1
Farrow Road [CONSENT ITEM] [Page 15]
g. An Ordinance amending the Richland County Code of Ordinances; Chapter 20, Planning; Article IV, Interim Zoning and Land Development; Section 20-41, Evaluation and Recommendations; So as to amend the required time period for reviews [CONSENT ITEM] [Pages 16-17]
2. Second Reading Item [Public Hearing Item]
a. Approval of an ordinance authorizing a Development Agreement between Richland County, South Carolina and Village at Sandhill, LLC, and other matters related thereto. [Pages 18-19]
3. Report of Administration and Finance Committee (Special Called Meeting)
a. Convention Center
4. Approval Of Resolution
a. Code Enforcement officer Appointment/Commission - Curtis S. Bennett [Page 20]
5. Report Of Rules And Appointments Committee (items deferred from 2/6/01 meeting) [Page 21]
a. Appointment to the Historic Columbia Foundation [Pages 22-25]
b. Appointment to the Planning Commission [Pages 26-29]
6. Motion Period/Announcements
7. Citizen's Input
8. Adjournment