County Council
July 10, 2001
6:00 p.m.
Call to Order
Report of County Attorney for Executive Session Matters
Adoption of Agenda
Citizen's Input
Approval Of Minutes
Regular Session: June 19, 2001 [Pages 2-13]
Special Called Meeting: June 26, 2001 [Pages 14-16]
Zoning Public Hearing: June 26, 2001 [Pages 17-24]
a. DNR to Harry L. Reed, Flood Plain Mgr.
b. A.C. Flora High School 3A State Baseball Champions
c. Andy Hallett - 3A Baseball Coach of the Year
Report Of County Administrator:
a. Presentation of Budget Award
b. Contractual Matter: Acquisition of Easement for SYSCO - Executive Session Item
Open/Close Public
1.a., 1.b., 1.c., 1.d., 1.e., 2.a., 2.c.
Approval Of
Consent Items
1.a., 1.b., 1.c., 1.d., 1.e., 2.b., 4.a., 5.a, 5.b., 5.c
8.a., 8.b., 8.c.
1. Third Reading Items
a. Ordinance Amendment: International Building Code [Consent Item] [Public Hearing]
[Pages 25-33]b. An Ordinance Amending the Richland County Code of Ordinances, Chapter 2, administration; article v, county departments: division 4, Planning Management [Consent Item]
[Public Hearing] [Pages 34-38]c. Approval of budget amendment and letters of agreement for USC Incubator [Consent Item]
[Public Hearing] [Pages 39-43]d. Approval of budget amendment and letters of agreement for SC Technology Alliance [Consent Item] [Public Hearing] [Pages 44-51]
e. An Ordinance authorizing an easement to South Carolina Electric and Gas Company across property located on Alpine Road. [Consent Item]
[Public Hearing] [Page 52]f. Outdoor Advertising: Billboard Ordinance
[Pages 53-62]
2. Second Reading Item
a. Ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale
Of General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2001 (C) [Pages 63-88] [Public Hearing]b. 01-41MA
Julius Trapp
From RS-3 to C-1
5421 Knightner Street [Consent Item]
[Page 89]c. An Ordinance authorizing a Development Agreement between Richland County, South Carolina and Lake Carolina Development, Inc., and other matters related thereto. [Public Hearing]
[Pages 90-110]
3. Report Of Economic Development Committee [Page 111]
a. Consideration of Incentives for Project Cold
b. Discussion of Business License Ordinance Amendment for SYSCO [Pages 112-113]
c. Resolution requesting consent of Forest Acres to include Verizon Expansion into Multi-County Industrial Park [Pages 114-115]
4. Report Of Development And Services Committee [Page 116]
a. Ordinance: Closing of Bynum Road to Through Truck Traffic [Consent] [Pages 117-124]
b. Ordinance Amendment: Parking Tickets
[Pages 117-124]
5. Report Of Administration And Finance Committee [Page 125]
a. Procurement: Contract Renewals [Consent Item]
b. Detention Center: Engineering Design and Construction Contract [Consent Item]
c. Columbia Museum of Art: Budget Transfer
[Consent Item]
6. Report Of Rules And Appointments Committee [Pages 126-128]
a. Notification of vacancy on Building Board of Adjustment and Appeal-6
b. Notification of vacancy on the Performing Arts Center Board-1
c. Appointments to the Accommidations Tax Advisory Committee-2 [Pages 129-134]
d. Appointments to Central Midlands Council of Governments-3 [Pages 135-140]
e. Appointments to the Community Relations Council-4 [Pages 141-161]
f. Appointments to the Employee Grievance Committee-4 [Pages 162-166]
g. Appointments to the Library Board-5
[Pages 167-196]h. Appointment to the Richland Memorial Hospital Board-1 [Pages 197-204]
i. Appointments to the Township Auditorium-2
[Pages 205-212]j. Appointments to the Midlands Regional Convention Center Authority-2
7. Report Of Local Option Task Force[Pages 213-256]
8. Approval Of Resolutions To Appoint And Commission Code Enforcement Officers
a. Arthur B. Langley - Code Enforcement Officer
[Page 257] [Consent Item]b. Keith Malloy - Code Enforcement Officer
[Page 258] [Consent Item]c. Carol Williams - Code Enforcement Officer
[Page 259] [Consent Item]
9. Citizen's Input
10. Motion Period/Announcements
11. Adjournment