County Council
Regular Session
July 17, 2001
6:00 p.m.
Call to Order
a. Keep America Beautiful - Ms. Mary Pat
Adoption of Agenda
Citizen's Input
Approval of Minutes
a. Regular Session - July 10, 2001
Report of County Attorney for Executive Session Matters
Report of County Administrator
a. Update on Cloud Sanitation
b. Employee Grievance
Open/Close Public Hearings
1.d. An Ordinance authorizing a Development Agreement between Richland County, South Carolina and Lake Carolina Development, Inc., and other matters related thereto
Approval of Consent Items
1. Third Reading Items
a. Outdoor Advertising: Billboard Ordinance
b. Ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2001
( C ) [Consent Item]c. 01-41MA, Julius Trapp, From RS-3 to C-1, 09310-01-14, 5421 Knightner Street [Consent Item]
d. An Ordinance authorizing a Development Agreement between Richland County, South Carolina and Lake Carolina Development Inc., and other matters related thereto [Consent Item] [Public Hearing]
2. Second Reading Items
a. Ordinance: Closing of Bynum Road to Through Truck Traffic [Consent Item]
b. Ordinance Amendment: Parking Tickets
[Consent Item]c. Business License Ordinance - Amendment for SYSCO [Consent Item]
3. Report of Administration and Finance Committee
a. Procurement: Contract Renewals
[Deferred from July 10th Meeting]
4. Report of Rules and Appointments Committee
a. Community Relations Council-4
[Deferred from July 10th meeting]
5. Report of Local Option Task Force
a. Resolution - Authorization for Referendum
b. Ordinance - First Reading, Roll-Back Percentage
6. Approval of Resolutions to Appoint and Commission Code Enforcement Officers
a. Alvin P. Swindler
7. Motion Period/Announcements
8. Citizen's Input
9. Adjournment