County Council
Called Meeting
July 30, 2001
6:00 p.m.
Call to Order
Adoption of Agenda
Approval of Minutes
Regular Session: July 17, 2001 [Pages 2-8]
Special Called Meeting: July 23, 2001 [Pages 9-11]
Zoning Public Hearing: July 23, 2001 [Pages 12-14]
Report of County Administrator
Approval of
Consent Items:
(items 1-b, 1-c, 1-d, 1-e, 1-f, 1-g, 2-a, 3-a)
1. Second Reading Items
a. An Ordinance Amendment: Extension of Interim Zoning and Land Development [Pages 15-23]
b. Administration, Enforcement and Penalties -
Text Amendment [Consent Item] [Pages 24-25]c. Compassionate Land Use [Consent Item]
[Pages 26-29]d. 01-34MA, Clay Hooker, From RU to C-3, 03300-03-18, 1001 Dutch Fork Road [Consent Item] [Page 30]
e. 02-01MA, Dawn Mangum, From RU to C-1, 03300-07-06, Farming Creek Road [Consent Item] [Page 31]
f. 02-08MA, Joseph & Jennifer Sharpe, From RU to C-3, 14900-02-03, 10405 Wilson Blvd [Consent Item] [Page 32]
g. 02-09MA, Betty Glen, From RS-1 to RU, 0770-03-19 & 20, Heyward Brockington [Consent Item] [Page 33]
h. Local Option Sales Tax Ordinance
(Deferred from Special Called Meeting,
July 23, 2001) [Pages 34-36]
2. Report of Administration and Finance Committee
a. Auditing Contract Extension for GASB34
[Consent Item]
3. Motion Period/Announcements
a. Livingston - Motion to rescind the vote on the billboard moratorium
4. Adjournment