Richland County Council

Administration and Finance Committee

Joseph McEachern, Chair

Paul Livingston

Anthony G. Mizzell

Stephen F. Morris

James Tuten

District 7

District 4

District 11

District 8

District 2

Tuesday, September 26, 2000 6:00 p.m.

Report of Actions

Call To Order – Joe McEachern, Committee Chair, called the meeting to order.

Approval of Minutes – The minutes of the July 19, 2000 Regular Session Meeting were approved as submitted.

Adoption of Agenda – the agenda was adopted with the addition of one item: (M) New Full-Time Position for the Treasurer’s Office.

Resolution: Reverend Dr. Jordan D. Smith – This item was forwarded to Council without recommendation and placed on the consent agenda.

Awards and Recognition – This item was received as information.

Items for Action – Items A, B, C, E, F, G, I, J, K, L, and M were placed on the consent agenda.

  1. Auditor, Treasurer: Budget Amendment for Reimbursement from DOR – The Committee recommended that Council approve first reading of the budget amendment to allocate funds from SCDOR.
  2. Planning: 1999 National Electrical Code – The Committee recommended that Council approve first reading of the adoption of the 1999 National Electrical Code.
  3. Planning: Ordinance Amendment for Code Enforcement Officers – The Committee recommended that Council approve first reading of the amendment to the procedure for appointing code enforcement officers.
  4. Planning, Business License: Detective Agency Application – The Committee deferred this item to the October Administration and Finance Committee Meeting and requested staff to provide additional information regarding the applicant’s necessary approvals and reviews.
  5. Legal: Optional Holiday Ordinance Repealed – The Committee recommended that Council approve first reading of the ordinance amendment to remove the optional holiday.
  6. Procurement: Purchase of Crushed Stone Products – The Committee recommended that Council approve the contract renewal with Tarmac Mid-Atlantic for the purchase of crushed stone.
  7. Procurement: Cost per Copy Copier Services – The Committee recommended that Council approve the award of contract to Minolta Corporation for Cost per Copier Services.
  8. Sheriff’s Department: Towing/Storing Fees – The Committee recommended that Council approve first reading of the ordinance amendment to increase towing fees from $40.00 to $75.00 and storage fees from $2.00 per day to $10.00 per day.
  9. Detention Center: Contract Renewal with Bradley Wholesale Meat – The Committee recommended that Council approve the renewal of contract with Brantley Wholesale Meat to provide meats and cheeses to the Detention Center.
  10. Detention Center: Lightning Protection Contract – The Committee recommended that Council approve the purchase of lightning protection services in the amount of $157,000.00 from Alltec Corporation.
  11. Community Development: Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week – The Committee recommended that Council approve a proclamation recognizing November 12-18, 2000 as Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week.
  12. Riverbanks Zoo: Budget Amendment for Budget Correction – The Committee recommended that Council approve first reading of a budget amendment of an additional $197,807.00 to the Riverbanks Zoo budget.
  13. New Full-Time Position for the Treasurer’s Office – The Committee recommended that Council approve first reading of a new full-time position for the Treasurer’s Office.

Items Pending Analysis

There were no items pending analysis.

Items for Discussion / Information

  1. Victims’ Assistance: Distribution Process – A report was given by Milton Pope, Assistant County Administrator and Laura Hudson of the South Carolina Victims Assistance Network. The Committee received the report as information and asked Ms. Hudson to work with County staff to make further recommendations.
  2. Auditor: Reviewing Millage Rates – This item was forward to Council for a report by the County Auditor.


Staffed by Pam Davis