Archived Agenda

Richland County Council
Administration and Finance Committee

Joseph McEachern, Chair
Paul Livingston
Anthony G. Mizzell
Stephen F. Morris
James Tuten
District 7
District 4
District 11
District 8
District 2

Monday, July 23, 2001, 5:30 p.m.

Richland County Council Chambers
County Administration Building
2020 Hampton Street

Call To Order

Approval of Minutes

February 20, 2001: Special Called Meeting - (Pages 2-3 )
June 26, 2001: Regular Session Meeting - (Pages 4-6).

Adoption of Agenda

I. Items for Action

A. Auditing Contract Extension for GASB34 - (Pages 7-8 ).
B. Library Promissory Note - (Pages 9-11).
C. Ordinance Amendment: Contractor Exemption - (Pages 12-14).
D. Discharge of Firearms - (Pages 15-17).

II. Items Pending Analysis

There are no items for this section.

III. Items for Discussion / Information

There are no items for this section.


Staffed by Pam Davis