Engineering Inspection Services
Inspection Services are provided throughout Richland County to include some incorporated municipalities under inter-governmental agreements. These services vary depending on the agreement and Richland County currently has an agreement with: Town of Blythewood / City of Forest Acres / Town of Arcadia Lakes / Town of Irmo.
Richland County (Section 26-36) has the powers and duties to enforce all provisions of the stormwater management and erosion and sediment control provisions of this chapter and other relevant laws and regulations relating to stormwater management.
For specific questions on services included in the inter-governmental agreements, please contact the Land Development Manager, at (803) 576-2402. Richland County conducts the following types of inspections in these areas:

Sediment & Erosion Control Inspections - Upon the issuance of a Land Disturbance Permit, construction can commence. Projects disturbing more than an acre are required by DHEC to hire an inspector to conduct sediment & erosion control inspections weekly until the project is complete, per the local jurisdiction, and coverage has been terminated by DHEC. Richland County Inspections will conduct their own compliance inspections which includes making sure third-party inspections are being conducted and are accurate.
Road Inspections - (Proof Rolls / Compliance) As a prerequisite to County approval and acceptance of new roads, all phases of Road Construction must be inspected and approved by the County Engineer’s office. This applies to all residential and commercial roads regardless of the intent to deed over to the County or to keep the road private.
Final Inspections - Upon completion of construction and prior to the termination of coverage, Richland County inspections must conduct a Final Inspection of the site. Final Inspections are conducted using record drawings (Closeout Package) and are scheduled upon request. After the site receives an acceptable final inspection, the original Notice of Termination form will be forwarded to DHEC, with a letter or email indicating final approval of construction from the County, for processing.