Site Information

To develop on your property, you should first answer the following 6 questions. Many of these questions can be answered by clicking on the Interactive Map link on the bottom right of this page. For instructions on how to gather this information on the map page, click here.
1. Is it in the unincorporated area of Richland County? If not, you must contact the jurisdiction where the parcel is located.
2. Does your property have an address? All permits require one. If you need to request an address, click here to fill out the form.
3. Does your property contain a floodplain? Property in a floodplain will affect how your property can be subdivided and/or developed.
4. How is your property zoned? If you're not sure how your property is zoned, then please ask to speak to someone in the zoning division by calling 803-576-2190.
5. Based on the zoning, what uses are permitted on your property? This chart from the land development code is a helpful way to determine whether your use is allowed in a specific zoning district.
6. Is your property located within a neighborhood master plan? If you're not sure if your property is located within a neighborhood master plan, then please ask to speak to a neighborhood planner by calling 803-576-2190.
Other zoning issues
Request a zoning verification letter
Please email zoning verification letter requests to Thomas DeLage at Please include the return address, address of the parcel and tax map number. If the verification is for a proposed use or if there is additional information needed please itemize the requested information to ensure the appropriate response. For copies of the site plan or certificate of occupancy please contact the Ombudsman office at 803-929-6000. There is no cost for a zoning verification letter. Depending on the amount of information requested please allow 15 to 30 business days for a letter. If you have any questions please contact Thomas DeLage at 803-576-2172.
Rezoning Process
Please contact Kina Page at 803-576-2176 to schedule a required pre-application meeting. At the pre-application meeting, staff will discuss options that are available to the applicant as well as time frames for meeting calendar requirements in regards to application deadlines, Planning Commission and County Council meetings.
Variance Process
Please contact Thomas DeLage at 803-576-2172. A pre-application meeting is encouraged but not required. At the pre-application meeting staff will discuss options that are available to the applicant as well as time frames for meeting calendar requirements in regards to application deadlines and the Board of Zoning Appeals meetings.
Need copies of your plat or deed? Contact the Register of Deeds