Interested in applying for a position?
Download current list of vacancies
Apply for the Richland County Board of Elections.
For all other Boards, download the application
complete the online application.
Applications can be submitted online.
The deadline to apply is 5 p.m. April 4, 2025. Email applications to:
Once you have submitted your application, the Clerk of Council’s Office will contact you to schedule a brief interview with the Rules and Appointments Committee.
For more information, contact the Richland County Clerk of Council's Office: 803-576-2060
Board of Assessment Appeals - One (1) Vacancy
The Board of Assessment Appeals hears appeals related to assessment of real property.
Board of Zoning Appeals
The Board of Zoning Appeals hears requests for zoning variances and special exceptions.
Building Codes Board of Appeals - Six (6) vacancies (ONE applicant must be from the architecture industry, ONE from the gas industry, ONE from the plumbing industry, ONE from the electrical industry, and TWO from the fire industry as alternates)
The Building Codes Board of Appeals reviews appeals when the Building Official has rejected the methods or materials proposed by a builder.
Business Service Center Appeals Board -- Two (2) vacancies (Applicants must be CPAs)
The Business Service Center Appeals Board conducts hearings for appeals from businesses regarding final assessments, audit chargebacks, or denials or revocations of business licenses.
Central Midlands Regional Transit Authority (CMRTA)
To administer, manage and operate fixed-route bus service and demand-response paratransit service, in and around Richland/Lexington counties.
Elections and Voter Registration Board
The Elections and Voter Registration Board is responsible for conducting all county, state and federal elections in Richland County.
Historic Columbia Foundation
For operation and management of historic properties.
Midlands Workforce Development Board One (1) Vacancy (Applicant must represent the Private Sector)
The Midlands Workforce Development Board is the administrative entity of the U.S. Department of Labor program known as the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. The program is designed to strengthen and improve our nation’s public workforce system and help get Americans, including youth and those with significant barriers to employment, into high-quality jobs and careers and help employers hire and retain skilled workers.
Performing Arts Center Board
The Performing Arts Center Board supports and promotes the programs of the Ira and Nancy Koger Center for the Arts to ensure the continued benefits of the venue to the University of South Carolina and the community.
Richland Library Board of Trustees
The Richland Library Board of Trustees reviews and approves library policy decisions, evaluates community needs, and allocates library trust funds.
Richland Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees
The Richland Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees works in cooperation with hospital leadership and administration to navigate decisions and set policy for Richland Memorial Hospital.
River Alliance Board
This board works to create community benefit from 90 miles of the region's rivers.
The Township Auditorium Board
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