Natural Resources

There is a reason our ancestors named this county “rich land.” Abundant rivers, prime farmland, bottomland forests, and scenic vistas greeted the earliest settlers, and these natural resources, in large part, directed the course of Richland County’s history. The look and feel of Richland County is changing as intense development threatens the loss of open space, rural lands, and community identity. The Conservation Commission works to preserve special natural areas to maintain the county's rich heritage and to protect natural resources for future generations.
Conservation Easements
A conservation easement is a voluntary agreement between a landowner and a land trust or public agency, i.e. Richland County, that permanently restricts development of land in order to protect natural and/or historic resources important to the public.
Natural Resource Grants
Grants are available to protect natural resources, improve water quality, build trails, and enhance environmental education.
Richland County Trail Map
A map of walking and hiking trails throughout Richland County is available online or by calling the office – 576-2080.