Tax & Fair Assessment
Influence on taxes, either up or down, will be felt if a property has carried the wrong appraisal and if it has been assigned an assessment above or below the new prescribed assessment ratio. And, the millage rate set in the future to provide revenue needed for local government services will affect the taxes paid by all property owners. The Assessor provides only the information needed by those branches of government which set the tax rate. Tax bills are prepared in September-October by the County Auditor and mailed by the County Treasurer in October-November. Tax payment dates for real property are:
- Thru January 15 - no penalty
- Thru February 1 - 3% penalty
- Thru March 16 - 7% additional penalty added
- After March 16 - 5% additional penalty added
In any event, through the continual Reassessment Program, each property owner will pay no more or less than his fair share of the property tax burden.