Join Us

There are several ways to support the mission and programs of your local Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD)! Here are our top 10:
- Interact with our content on Facebook and Instagram! Whether you like a photo, reply to a post, leave a review, or share our content with your friends and followers, your interaction increases the visibility of our content and helps promote conservation in Richland County...and beyond!
- Subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter, and share the newsletter content with others who might be interested in our programs.
- Engage with our programs. You may attend a natural resource workshop, visit the Richland County Seed Sanctuary, invite us to deliver a program to your K-12 class, borrow our educational kits, or apply for a Conservation Education Mini-Grant.
- Attend a monthly board meeting. SWCD board meetings are open to the public and provide opportunities for you to get to know our commissioners and staff. You will also be given an opportunity to ask questions and make public comments. Your input helps shape the future of conservation in Richland County!
- Let your County Council representative and SC Legislative Delegation members know you value our programs and services. The Richland SWCD receives funding and support from Richland County and the State of SC, so let them know you appreciate the work we do. Not sure who your representatives are? Enter your home address into the Richland County "Find My District" tool to find out!
- Volunteer your time and talents! Visit our Volunteer Opportunities page for specific needs and volunteer requirements.
- Give. Our Friends of RSWCD Program allows constituents to provide financial support for our programs. With gift levels starting at $25/year (that's just $2.09/month), we welcome your financial investment in our programming.
- Sponsor. Sponsoring a specific workshop or event is a great way to invest in the Richland SWCD's mission, and sponsors are recognized in workshop/event materials. If the event format allows, sponsors are also offered exhibit tables and time for remarks during the event. Contact Jessica Thompson at to identify upcoming sponsorship opportunities, then complete and return this sponsorship event form.
- Apply to become an Associate Commissioner. Like what we're doing and want to become more involved in the leadership of the Richland SWCD? Serving as an Associate Commissioner is the next step! Associate Commissioners are officially appointed by the SWCD board as non-voting advisors and representatives. Associate Commissioner terms are two years in length, and no term limits apply. Serving as an Associate Commissioner is a great way to determine whether you would like to pursue a position as an elected or appointed Commissioner!
- Seek election or appointment as a Commissioner. Each SC SWCD is governed by a board of five Commissioners. Three are elected in the general election, and two are appointed by the board of the SC Department of Natural Resources. For more information about becoming an elected or appointed Commissioner, visit the SC Elections Commission website and/or the SC Department of Natural Resources website, respectively.