Energy Efficiency and Community Block Grant Accomplishments 2009 - 2012
Energy Upgrades
- Mitigated $1.37M Capital improvements over 3 years.
- Installed an 800 ton chiller at the Detention Center to replace aging units.
- Installed T-8 bulbs in 2020 Hampton St. and 60% of the Judicial Center, added motion and sonic detection switches with master control system to ensure lights are off when area is not occupied, replaced exit signs with LED signs, and replaced exterior lighting with induction lighting and solar cells.
- Installed a 200 gallon hot water heater at the Judicial Center that replaces the use of a 5,440 gallon boiler for parts of the year, saving around $15,000 annually.
- Converted Forest Acres holiday light display to LED lighting.
- Funded and installed solar thermal array and a stack economizer at Palmetto Health Richland.
Fleets and Sidewalks
- Purchased 8 hybrid vehicles for Richland County’s fleet.
- 2,044 ft. of sidewalk installed in Irmo off of Charring Cross Lane.
- Helped purchase hybrid vehicle for Town of Blythewood.
- Electric vehicle purchased for Town of Eastover.
IT Upgrades
- Installed 4 virtual servers to replace 22 physical servers.
- Developed e recording system for Register if Deeds that in the projects first year processed almost 3,000 packages saving staff time, wear and tear on equipment and increasing options for customers.
Community Outreach
- The Lawn Mower Exchange. A total of 593 lawn mowers exchanged from 2007 - 2012.
- The Light Bulb Exchange Program has created partnerships with over 20 organizations and Richland County residents have exchanged 13,716 bulbs
- Hired a recycling Coordinator for the Town of Blythewood to expand recycling efforts.
Energy Strategy
- Completed the Regional Sustainability Plan in partnership with Lexington County and City of Columbia (in kind) to develop goals and guidelines to reduce energy and water use, and promote smart growth and the green economy.
- Completed a greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory to establish an energy baseline and provide guidelines for reduction.
- Received International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) award for completing a GHG inventory.
Regional Sustainability Committee
- Representatives from Richland, Lexington, and the City of Columbia shared a common goal to identify priority focus areas to look into after finishing the plan. These areas are listed below.
Focus Areas:
- Create Green Team
- Create a Green Building Resolution (municipal/county buildings)
- Green Procurement
- Create a Regional Green Business Program
- Green Jobs
- Rideshare Program
Richland County’s IT department received a Palmetto Pillar Award in 2011 for creating the Register of Deeds e Recording System funded through the EECBG.
Richland County received a milestone achievement award for completing a Greenhouse Gas Inventory for the County