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Click here to apply to the Richland County Recreation Commission
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complete the online application
The deadline to apply is 5 p.m. April 4, 2025. Email applications to:
Once you have submitted your application, the Clerk of Council’s Office will contact you to schedule a brief interview with the Rules and Appointments Committee.
For more information, contact the Richland County Clerk of Council's Office: 803-576-2060
Airport Commission
The Airport Commission advises County Council on the development, maintenance and operation of the Jim Hamilton-L.B. Owens Airport (CUB) as well as the promotion of general aviation in Richland County.
Conservation Commission
The Conservation Commission promotes the protection of Richland’s natural, historical, and cultural resources.
Convention Center Commission
The Convention Center Commission comprises the governing bodies of the City of Columbia, Lexington County and Richland County regarding the pursuit of their joint interests in providing a public conference facility.
East Richland Public Service District (Commission)
The East Richland Public Service Commission oversees functions of constructing, operating, maintaining and financing a sanitary sewage collection and treatment system throughout the district.
Elections Commission
The Elections Commission Office is dedicated to maintaining the integrity and accuracy of the election process.
Music Festival Commission
The Music Festival Commission oversees the execution of music festivals in Richland County.
Planning Commission
The Planning Commission plans programs for the physical, social and economic growth, development and redevelopment of the unincorporated area of the County.
Richland County Recreation Commission
The Richland County Recreation Commission delivers quality recreation programs in order to better promote health and improve the quality of life in Richland County.
Riverbanks Park Commission
The Riverbanks Park Commission is responsible to Midlands residents for the financial stability of the zoo.