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The deadline to apply for committees is April 4, 2025, at 5 p.m. Email applications to:
Once you have submitted your application, the Clerk of Council’s Office will contact you to schedule a brief interview with the Rules and Appointments Committee.
For more information, contact the Richland County Clerk of Council's Office: 803-576-2060 or email
Accommodations Tax Advisory Committee - Six (6) vacancies (TWO applicants must have a background in the lodging industry, TWO applicants must have a background in the hospitality industry, ONE applicant must have a cultural background, and ONE is an at-large position)
The Accommodations Tax Advisory Committee makes recommendations and provides advisory assistance to County Council on the expenditure of revenue generated from the Accommodations Tax.
Ad Hoc and Short-Term Committees
Various short-term committees formed for a specific task or objective and dissolved after the completion of the task or achievement of the objective.
Administration and Finance Committee
Consisting of five members, functions as a committee of ways and means to which matters dealing with general administration and with the budget, capital improvements, taxation and bond issues should be referred.
Animal Care Advisory Committee
An advisory committee that looks at policy and regulations regarding pet ownership in the County.
Development and Services Committee
Consisting of five members, functions in the area(s) of general operational matters, economic development, and those matters relating to the functions and activities of the County Department of Public Works and Engineering.
Discretionary Grant Fund Review Committee
The Discretionary Grant Fund Review Committee allocates financial support to organizations and agencies that carry out community-based programs and services throughout Richland County.
Economic Development Committee
The Richland County Economic Development Office (RCEDO) works to assist new companies considering locating in the County and existing companies considering expanding their operations. As the capital county of South Carolina, Richland strives to maintain a pro-business climate that allows companies to work profitably in our community.
Employee Grievance Committee - Three (3) Vacancies (Applicants must be Richland County Government employees; TWO applicants will serve as alternates)
The Employee Grievance Committee provides a structured process for Richland County employees to express their grievances with personnel policies or other actions that directly affect them.
Hospitality Tax Advisory Committee - Five (5) vacancies (TWO applicants must be from the restaurant industry and THREE are at-large positions)
The Hospitality Tax Advisory Committee reviews applications and makes recommendations to County Council regarding the allocation and distribution of the County Promotions portion of hospitality tax funds.
Internal Audit Committee
The Internal Audit Committee provides independent oversight and support of other departments to ensure public resources are being handled responsibly.
Nulla Bona Committee
The Nulla Bona Committee decides which taxes are non-collectable and should be deleted from the tax rolls.
Rules and Appointments Committee
Consisting of three members, functions as a review, oversight and advisory body on the rules of County Council concerning appointments to County boards, commissions and committees. The Committee meets on an as-needed basis.
Transportation Penny Advisory Committee
The Transportation Penny Advisory Committee (TPAC) reviews, comments on and provides recommendations on the Penny program to Richland County Council.