Thursday, November 7, 2013
9am - 3pm
Tri-County Electric
6437 Old State Road, St. Matthews
Flyer and Registration Form
Join experts Charles Ruth and Jay Butfiloski from the SC Department of Natural Resources, Noel Myers from the USDA-Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, and local wildlife control operator Dan Phillips (All Things Wild) to learn about the biology, regulations, and management options for several nuisance wildlife species. After lunch, Jager Pro Hog Control Systems from Columbus, GA will conduct a demonstration. Species covered will include feral hogs, coyotes, armadillos, beavers, and others.
Registration: $20; lunch provided
To register: Complete and return a Registration Form, with payment, to the
Calhoun Conservation District
PO Box 528
St. Matthews, SC 29135
Phone: (803) 707-1580
Email: CalhouSWCD@gmail.com
This workshop is sponsored by the Soil and Water Conservation Districts of Calhoun, Orangeburg, Bamberg, and Richland Counties and is for educational purposes only. The sponsor organizations neither endorse nor recommend products or services featured or mentioned during the workshop.