Landfill Gas Extraction System
Solid Waste Recycling Division

Gas Extraction Systems are common in many landfills. Buried, decomposing waste produce gases that can last for decades, creating conditions that can harm the environment and quality of life. As landfill gases accumulate below ground, some of them seep to the surface and create nuisance odors that can migrate beyond the landfill property. These gases are also water soluble, and can contribute to groundwater pollution. The goals of The Richland County Landfill Gas Extraction System Project are to eliminate these nuisance odors and also extract as much gas as possible to avoid groundwater pollution concerns.
Construction of the project began on September 20,2021 and was completed in approximately six months The system has been operating continuously since being commissioned and placed into service. The scope of the construction project included sinking of 24 extraction wells (with and average depth of 36 feet), plumbing the system, installation of blowers and burners, and providing power to the site. Richland County's investment in this project will enhance the area's environmental quality.