Richland County Council on Tuesday kicked off discussions on its first proposed two-year budget, which sets forth a $1.7 billion spending plan to improve government services at no additional costs to taxpayers.
As presented, Biennium Budget I – which covers the fiscal years beginning July 1, 2017 and ending June 30, 2019 – is balanced and within the millage cap.
The proposed spending plan puts forth several key initiatives to include, improving curbside trash collection service and the assistance provided to local businesses through the Office of Small Business Opportunity. In addition, the budget provides for the renovation and modernization of the Sheriff’s Department facilities and a plan to implement a vehicle replacement and maintenance fund.
The budget also will restore the County’s fund balance – the difference between assets and liabilities. Budgeting for the fund balance will ensure the County has a reserve on hand in the event of certain events, such as a natural disaster.
The budget is comprised of several categories: Special Revenue Funds, Debt Service, Enterprise Funds, Millage Agencies and the General Fund. The General Fund covers spending for some core government functions – such as emergency services, public safety, planning and public works – delivered by departments headed by elected, appointed or non-elected officials.
On Tuesday, the Council began its budget review specifically looking at the spending plans for non-elected departments. Additional work sessions are planned to discuss other budget categories.
As discussions continue, following are 10 things to know about the proposed Richland County 2018-2019 Biennium Budget I:
1. It is balanced and does not include a tax increase
2. Facilitates initiatives to improve curbside trash collection services
3. Continues an effort to replace magistrate offices
4. Re-invigorates the County’s stalled Office of Small Business Opportunity
5. Addresses efforts to improve the County’s stormwater infrastructure
6. Addresses areas of deterioration through a “blight removal project”
7. Establishes a plan for a multipurpose facility to prompt public-private partnerships
8. Addresses the need to eliminate “health care deserts” in remote areas
9. Assists elected officials in improving their delivery of services
10. Is intended to be an inspirational and aspirational tool to guide growth
Residents are encouraged to attend the budget meetings, which are held in Council Chambers.
At 4 p.m. Tuesday, May 9, Council will discuss the following: Special Revenue, Enterprise Fund, Millage Agencies and Elected/Appointed Offices. A discussion on Grants will take place 4 p.m. Thursday, May 11. A public hearing on the budget will be held 6 p.m. Thursday, May 18.
The budget meetings also will be broadcast on the County’s government cable access channel and streamed live on the County’s website.
To learn more about the budget, visit and click the “Biennium Budget” button on the right-hand side of the page.