Customers of the Richland County Broad River Regional Sewer System can expect a decrease in monthly user fees during the upcoming fiscal year. Beginning July 1, 2013, a residential monthly sewer bill will be reduced by $2.00 per month from the current $46.54 to $44.54. Commercial customers will see a similar reduction based upon their residential equivalent units. This annual savings amount for our residential and commercial customers equates to approximately $240,000! This reduction in monthly user fees is made possible by the efficient operation of the wastewater treatment and collection systems and the settlement of an outstanding issue relating to the construction of the new wastewater treatment facility.
The Broad River Regional Sewer System currently serves approximately 10,000 residential and commercial customers. This system covers a large portion of northwest Richland County. The service area is bordered on the north by the Broad River, on the east by Harbison State Forest, on the south by the Town of Irmo and Lake Murray, and on the west by the Richland/Lexington and Richland/Newberry County Lines.
The employees of the Richland County Utilities Department appreciate the continued opportunity to serve our customers. For additional information concerning the monthly user fees or other information relating to potential changes in sewer service in the above described area, please contact Richland County Utilities at 803-401-0050.