Residents have the opportunity to speak directly with Richland County staff before the County enters the final stages of rewriting its Land Development Code (LDC).
The LDC is a set of rules regulating land use, growth and development. The code covers County standards for zoning districts and dwelling units allowed per acre, along with building location, permitted uses, signage, landscaping and other stipulations.
Zoning & Development Services staff will hold one-on-one phone appointments with residents to discuss the proposed LDC, which can be reviewed at
“Contact us to learn more about the ordinance language, the adoption process and ways to stay involved as we proceed,” said Tommy DeLage, assistant zoning administrator for Richland County. “We are here to answer questions, take comments and/or address concerns.”
Appointments are available in 15- to 45-minute increments from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday-Friday through Dec. 11. To make an appointment or get more information on the proposed LDC, contact the Zoning & Development Services Division at 803-576-2190.
While Richland County’s LDC has seen minor revisions since it was adopted in 2005, the current process marks the first comprehensive update. The County plans to adopt the new LDC next spring.