(Richland PIO) – Richland County Government offices will close Thursday, July 4, for Independence Day.
There will be no curbside trash collection service Thursday. Trash routes scheduled for that day will be picked up Friday, July 5, as all regularly scheduled collections for the remainder of the week will be delayed one day.
Richland County’s C&D Landfill, Lower Richland Drop-off Center and Clemson Road Drop-off Recycling Site will be closed Thursday. The County’s Jim Hamilton-L.B. Owens Airport will be open and Fixed Base Operator (FBO) services will be available from 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Residents can access many services on the County’s website: www.richlandcountysc.gov, including those by the Auditor, Treasurer, Assessor and other offices.