In November 2016, County Council voted to switch from an annual to a two-year – or biennium– budget cycle to more actively measure the performance of the County’s programs to ensure residents receive high-quality services that meet their needs. The County’s first biennium
budget began July 1, 2017 for the FY18-19 period and ends June 30, 2019.
Benefits of a Biennium Budget
Richland County Council, Administration and the Finance Office have identified several benefits for operating with a biennium budget. Three key advantages of two-year budgeting are improved long-term planning, better oversight of service delivery and more time for budget review.
A biennium budget also allows more time for assessing programs and controlling costs and gives staff more time to research and discuss financial options and opportunities. Click here to learn more.
About the County Budget
The County budget is the single most important document Richland County Council uses to oversee the delivery of services, programs and resources to Richland County residents. By state law, the County must approve a balanced budget prior to July 1. Richland County’s fiscal year is July 1-June 30.
The budget is officially adopted by Council as the financial plan for the County after months of preparation and review. Before the budget is adopted, Richland County Council holds a public hearing at which residents can make comments, ask questions and address concerns related to the budget.Once adopted, the County budget is made available for public viewing both online and in hardcopy form at the County Administration Building. Click here to use an interactive budget graph that maps current revenues and expenditures. Click here to read the Administrator's letter to Council regarding the first proposed biennium budget, dated April 27, 2017.
The Office of Budget and Grants Management has completed
preparing the first official Biennium Budget Book.
To view the completed Richland County
Biennium Budget FY18 and FY19, please click here.
Data and Policies Guiding the First Biennium Budget (FY18-19)
Richland County used several standards and controls for implementing the first biennium budget. Click here to look at some of the policies that guided the County's first two-year budget.
Budget Calendar for FY18-19
Crafting the first biennium budget is a roughly seven-month process. The planning process begins in October and culminates with a budget presentation to County Council in April 2017. The approval process begins in April and ends by July 1. Click here to view the anticipated timeline for implementing the first biennium budget. Click here for an overview of the budget planning process.
Popularity of Biennium Budgets among Local Governments
Government Finance Review, a bimonthly publication by the Government Finance Officers Association, reported in 2014 that biennium budgets are becoming more and more popular among local governments and similar agencies. The study shows that participating agencies with multi-year budgets reported improved fiscal discipline and improved long-term fiscal sustainability. Read the report