- Q: Does the marriage license expire?
A: You have six months from the time that the marriage license is issued to have the ceremony performed. Once that time period has expired, you will need to re-apply. *If the license is signed after the six months, the marriage is valid.
- Q: What is the legal age to marry without parental consent?
A: You must be over the age of 18 to marry without parental consent in South Carolina.
- Q: Is a blood test required?
A: A blood test is not required in South Carolina.
- Q: Do you have to be a resident of South Carolina to get married in South Carolina?
A: No, however, if you apply for and receive a South Carolina marriage license you must marry in South Carolina.
- Q: If you get a license in another state, can you be married in South Carolina?
A: No, you must marry in the state that issues you the marriage license.
- Q: Is there a waiting period from the time you apply for your license to the time that you can get married?
A: There is a 24-hour waiting period from the time the application is processed to the time the marriage license can be issued.
- Q: What type of identification is required when applying for a marriage license?
A: You will need a Social Security Card along with one of the following types of identification: a Department of Transportation Issued ID, a driver's license, a military ID, or a passport.
- Q: Who can perform a marriage ceremony?
A: Only Ministers of the Gospel or accepted Jewish Rabbis and Officers authorized to administer oaths in the state are authorized to administer a marriage ceremony in this state. Please refer to South Carolina Code of Laws Section 20-1-20.