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The Richland Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) has awarded five Conservation Education Mini-Grants in amounts ranging from $250 to $1,000 to support local schools’ environmental efforts.
The Richland Soil and Water Conservation District's Summer 2019 Newsletter and Annual Report is now available! Peek inside for a recap of the 2018-2019 program year, teasers about upcoming events, and announcements of 2019-2020 youth education initiatives.
Conservation educators from the Richland Soil and Water Conservation District are available to present classroom conservation programs for schools and youth groups. Programs cover topics including pollinators, soil science, composting, watersheds, and water quality.
Do you know a Richland County teacher who is an eco-hero working to build students’ love for the planet and their ability to be environmental stewards? If so, nominate him or her as Richland County’s Conservation Teacher of the Year by Friday, Feb. 3, 2020.
Faculty and staff members of public, private, and alternative schools in Richland County are eligible to apply for grants in the amounts of $500 or $1,000 to support campus conservation projects and youth environmental education initiatives through Conservation Education Mini-Grants. Two award cycles are available: applications received by September 30, 2019 will be considered for fall 2019 funding; applications received by February 3, 2020 will be considered for spring 2020 funding.
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