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The Richland County Probate Court will be closed Wednesday, Dec. 11, 2013 by order of the SC Supreme Court for mandatory training on the new probate code.
Richland County honored local Korean War-era veterans at an event Wednesday to recognize their service and commemorate the end of the conflict 60 years ago.
Veterans of the so-called “Forgotten War” gathered at the Township Auditorium for the “Heroes Remembered, Service Honored” program. The event was an opportunity for Richland County to publicly honor local veterans who missed a statewide ceremony this summer.
A Conservation Innovation Grant from the USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service will allow the Richland SWCD to conduct agricultural field trials on cover-cropping and no-till management.
Richland County’s financial management practices earned high marks from one of the nation’s leading credit rating agencies, enabling the county to borrow money for projects at a reduced cost to taxpayers.
Having recently completed the renewal process, Richland County was recertified in September with a rating that will offer a 10 percent premium reduction on flood insurance for properties in a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) and a 5 percent discount on flood policy premiums for properties located outside a SFHA.
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